
Faculty of Computer Systems and Technologies (FCST) was founded in 1987 and it is currently one of the largest faculties at the Technical University of Sofia with a long experience in training highly qualified specialists for industry and business.

The professors of FCFT teach students from the other basic faculties of the Technical University - Sofia (Faculty of Telecommunications (FTC), Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Technology (FEET), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Transport (FT), Faculty of Management (FM), as well as from the three faculties of foreign language education (English Language Faculty of Engineering (ELFE), Faculty of German Engineering Education and Industrial Managemen, French Faculty of Electrical Engineering), as they are responsible and conduct the training in special courses corresponding to their scientific field. They are also actively involved in the training at the Post-graduate education sector at TU-Sofia, as well as in the training at the Vocational School of Computer Technologies and Systems in Sofia. The students are also involved in the School of Systems and Technology in Pravets.

The structure of the faculty comprises 4 departments:

Department of "Computer Systems"

Department of "Computer Systems" was founded in 1969. Its mission is to educate students for the Master's and Bachelor's degrees in 7 specialties and to provide students with state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of computer engineering and advanced skills required by today's competitive marketplace for successful professional realization.

"Department of "Programming and Computer Technologies"

Department of "Programming and Computer Technologies" was established in 1984. Its purpose is to provide and conduct the training in programming and informatics for all professional fields at TU - Sofia, as well as the training in 2 of the degree programs offered at the faculty for the Master's degree.

Department of "Information Technologies in Industry"

Department of "Information Technologies in Industry" was founded in 2015. Its mission is the training of broad-based engineers with in-depth computer science training and a focus on modern industrial information systems and computer technologies, as well as their application in various industrial fields and applications.
Organizer of the annual summer school on Neuroinformatics, Neural Networks and Neurocomputing [N3-BG], which is attended by leading scientists and researchers from around the world.

Department of "Cyber Security"

Department of "Cyber Security" is the youngest department of the faculty. It is founded in 2023 to provide and conduct the training in the Bachelor's specialty - "Cyber Security" and Master's specialty - "Cyber Security and Cybercrime Prevention". Graduates - bachelors and masters acquire a very serious engineering background, a large set of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of information technology, information and cyber security, risk management in information systems.

Management and Administration

Dean and Deputy Deans

  • Vice-Dean for Teaching, International and Erasmus - Assoc. Prof. Varbinka Stoyanova
  • Vice-Dean for Scientific and Applied Activities, Innovative and Educational Projects and Finance - Prof. Dr. Eng. Rumen Trifonov
  • Vice-Dean for Public Relations - Prof. Dr. Eng. Georgi Popov

Prof. Daniela Gotseva


Phone: 02 965-2338
Room: 1204

доц. д-р инж. Върбинка Стоянова


Phone: 02 965-3363
Room: 1001

Prof. Dr. Eng. Rumen Trifonov


Phone: 02 965-3207
Room: 1326

Prof. Dr. Eng. Georgi Popov


Phone: 02 965-3525
Room: 1322


Dean's Office

MSc Tanya Georgieva

Phone: 02 965-2513
Room: 1443-А

Student's Office №1

MSc Daniela Bocheva
Samira Aliman

Room: 02 965-2054
Phone: 1322-A

Student's Office №2

Ani Kocheva
Nikolinka Peeva

Phone: 02 965-3139
Room: 1327

Technical Associates

Irina Georgieva
Tihomir Dobrev

Phone: 02 965-2484
Room: 1441


There are more than 1600 students in FCST, of which more than 1300 are Bachelors and more than 300 are Masters. Every year, about 200 engineers - bachelors and about 70 engineers - masters graduate from FCST. PhD students trained at FCST are about 40.

PhD students

The training in specialties at FCST provides great adaptability in a market environment, allowing to keep the acquired knowledge and skills in line with future developments in computer systems and technologies. Graduating students acquire the professional qualification degree of Computer Engineer - Bachelor, Computer Engineer - Master and are ready to cover the broad needs of engineers in computer systems and technologies.

PhD programmes for the acquisition of educational and scientific degree "Doctor" are in professional field 5.3 "Communication and Computer Engineering".


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PhD programmes

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Career realization

FCST maintains partnerships with business entities in the field of information and communication technologies, offering numerous internship opportunities and participating in joint educational and research initiatives. These collaborations contribute significantly to the successful professional development of graduates.

I decided to enroll in this faculty because I think that the profession "computer engineer" offers many challenges. What I like is that practicing a profession involves continuous learning, the need to acquire new skills and develop.
I graduated in Computer and Software Engineering. There were many difficult moments in the learning process. I did not enjoy all the courses to the same extent, but there were some that gave me a good foundation from which to continue to develop in the profession.
The Computer and Software Engineering curriculum gave me a good foundation for my professional development. Well, I have to admit that I was not always regular at lectures because I was working, but overall the training was worth it.



Sofia, 1000
Kl. Ohridski" 8
Bl: 1, Floor: 4, Room: 1443-А
Phone.:02 965 2513
